الخميس، 4 ديسمبر 2014

The reiki Experiment Results

Hi all. Those are the reiki experiment results you were waiting for after posting the updates on Facebook. 

closer look:


If this is the effect of reiki on non-living solid stuff, how could it affect our souls and bodies?!

السبت، 8 نوفمبر 2014

الخميس، 6 نوفمبر 2014

Reiki courses

Reiki course attunement
Reiki courses are popular now almost in every city. Starting from Japan reiki courses spread all around the world with recent western passion in complementary medicine including reiki. To get a reiki course one must contact a master, not a reiki healer.

Someone might find reiki courses on line, where some practicing is not that real. It is always recommended to get an in person reiki course where you can live through the whole experience and get introduces to sensations associated with reiki healing. Those sensations are vital to practice what you learn in the course properly.

A reiki course is taught by a reiki master ( a higher degree in reiki more than a teacher) and might be held in a center or directly from the teacher.

One important thing to ask for in the course you get is the linage, it is the most important thing in the certification. It shows that you are certified to practice reiki in a certin way. Which you might like to understand more about before you register in the course.

Reiki Healer Books

You can find so many books in big bookshops about reiki. If you can't find a few in your local bookshop you – for sure – can order them online.

Those are three recommended reiki books:

Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art

 This book covers almost all what you need to know about reiki starting from defining the meaning of reiki energy and reiki healing, gowing through the symbols a healer uses in his practice. Even connectiong reiki with other healing arts such as the five symbols which does not belong to the original reiki healing strategies.

Self-Healing with Reiki: How to Create Wholeness, Harmony & Balance for Body, Mind & Spirit

As it is named, this book focuses more on self healing. Going in details  with how a healer can practice energy connection, cleansing and self tratmenet. Then the book covers in datails how to apply reiki healing on oneselve's body, spirit, and mind.

Reiki for Dummies

Last but not least this book from For Dummies series which left almost nothing without covering it in a book. This one introduces a reiki healer or student to more than the "original" reiki by presenting more symbols than the ones you learn in a classic reiki course.
This book is the one that is recommended to newbies who want be reiki healersand need to take a look about this whole thing before getting involved in reiki courses and even before arranging with a healer to reicive a some energy.
You can get it from here Reiki for Dummies

Reiki Healer Meaning

Reiki Healer Meaning

A reiki healer is the one who can transform reiki energy from the universe to the reiki healing energy demander. To transfer such energy reiki healer is the one who has open channels through which reiki can pass from the universe to reiki healing demander.
Anyone can achieve open reiki channels by receiving reiki attunements from the reiki master.

The reiki healer or practitioner who finished level 1 is able to transfer this energy to the client in present. Furthermore reiki healer or practitioner who finished reiki 2 is able to transfer this energy even to a client who is away; he/she uses a special symbol to do that that he learns in level 2.

Don't hesitate to ask if you need more information to understand reiki healer meaning.

Reiki Healer

Reiki Healer Certificate

Be sure to check the certification of the reiki healer you choose to receive the reiki energy healing ability. Many reiki practitioners are not really certified to do that. If they're not certified you cannot be sure they received the attunement that enables them to transfer reiki energy to you.

To get reiki healer certification you need to cotact a reiki center to get a reiki course from the certified master. You can even get the certification from a master who works individually without cooperation with a center.

Furthermore the reiki healing master himself should be certified to be a master from his own master.

That leads us to a linage. Like a family tree a reiki linage shows you how everyone in your reiki choice are connected to each other. The shorter the linage the more pure practicing reiki you get. The linage is supposed to be shown in the certification of the practitioner or master.

Reiki Healer Salary

Reiki healers may vary concerning salary. The salary depends on the country they are in, whether they work with a reiki center or individually, and how much did it cost them to get the reiki healer certification.

If a reiki healer works in a center he can either get a fixed monthly salary, or as another option ha may be paid per session. A session costs from $30 to $120. A reiki healer's share is 50% mostly. Some healers prefer to get a fixed salary from the center at first until they reach a reasonable number of sessions, then they move from salary system to sharing a percentage of each session cost.